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Research & Preparation

The first step in preparing for a rewarding Model UN experience is to gather information. Give your students plenty of time before a conference to research, read and formulate arguments.  Most delegates use the Internet for a majority of their research, because the information available on the web is most recent and generally most relevant. However, do not overlook the resources available in books and periodicals at the local library.


For many students, especially in high school and middle school, preparation for a Model UN conference will be the first time they are asked to conduct serious research. It is a fantastic opportunity to introduce young delegates to research skills including credible sources, citations, and synthesizing arguments from a wide range of sources.


While conducting research, try to keep in mind that the primary goal is to represent a country as realistically as possible. To do so, students will need to research three different areas:


   ·  The country and its positions;

   ·  The issues to be debated at the conference; and

   ·  The committee they will be simulating, and its role within the UN system.


Be aware that it is not always possible to find information on the position of a specific country on a specific topic. Rather, by having a firm understanding of a country’s general governance, demographics and policies, and an in-depth knowledge of the topic for debate, students should be able to make inferences and draw conclusions about their nations’ policies. Students may also look at the policies of their regional blocs, or search for existing policies of other nations that they believe their own country would be willing to support or implement.


Lesson Plans


Lesson Plan - Intro to the UN


Lesson Plan - Six Main Bodies of the UN


Lesson Plan - Introducing and Examining Background Guides


Lesson Plan - Research


Other Sources


Handout - UN System Chart


Handout - UN and MUN Vocabulary


Handout - Background Guide Graphic Organizer



The World Factbook, 2023 edition. Washington, DC: Central Intelligence Agency.
The World Factbook provides basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, environment, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 266 world entities.


United Nations Regional Blocs (groups) 
Regional groups formally exist for electoral and ceremonial purposes, however, some choose to coordinate on substantive issues and/or use the group structure to share information.


United Nations Member States On the Record
Search the United Nations database for every members states':  general debate statements, speeches, draft resolutions sponsored, diplomatic relations between states, representative’s credentials.

Basic Facts about the United Nations

Author: United Nations

A handbook designed for the general public explains the structure of the United Nations, how the Organization works, the main issues it addresses and its significance. 


Click the image to access the e-reader >

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